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Each business and career dream is unique. Our Clients' seek very specific sales and/or executive recruiting and resources that gel together and become one team in sync with vision and mission.
We pride ourselves on helping the process flow so the best fit candidates of the greatest variety achieve the opportunity to compete for the most exciting, career making opportunities on the island.
ESPR Recruits & Sells for a select few new Clients annually. Schedule a brainstorming session today
ESPR rewards for referrals that lead to successful hires. Share the ESPR searches and you could possibly win a free stay @ShacksBeach. Thanks for being an Ambassador to Puerto Rico.
We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. However we still put the onus on you to contact “JT” if your dreams are to work in Puerto Rico. Call 787-246-1113. Carpe Diem.